Palterton Primary School

Mathematics at Palterton Primary

At Palterton Primary school we use Power Maths as a basis of our maths lesson which aligns with the National curriculum. This is an exciting, whole class mastery approach, which has been recommended by the DfE.  It is based upon the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. 

Every lesson is divided into sections that involve plenty of discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking.  

At the heart of this programme is the idea that all children can achieve and be successful mathematicians with the right growth mindset.  It promotes five child friendly characters, each with their own positive skillset, to inspire and motivate children.  These characters are:     Flo.jpgSparks.jpgAsh.jpgAstrid.jpgDexter.jpg

Information for Parents

Information letter for parents/carers

                                            How can you help your child to become fluent mathematicians?

At the start of each day every class has a 15 minutes maths fluency session where we practise number facts. You can also help at home by...

Encouraging children to practise their number facts in fun and practical ways. For example, counting pairs of socks, playing games with dice where they have to use the number bonds, sing number songs (a range of which can be found on U Tube) or play ICT games on the internet such as ‘Hit the Button’, TT Rockstars...

What number facts should my child know?

The number facts that children should know in KS1 are:
•    Number bonds to 5
•    Number bonds to 10
•    Number bonds to 100
•    2x, 5x and 10x table

The number facts that children should know in KS2 are:
•    2x,3x,4x,5x,6x,7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 11x and the 12x table
•    square numbers 
•    cubed numbers
•    equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages

Please see the calculation policy for each class age group





Resources we use to support our teaching

We use a wide range of resources to support learning in mathematics. Many of these are designed and made by our teaching teams to match the specific needs of classes and individual pupils.


To compliment our team's high quality lessons and resources we regulalry use the following commercial resources to support learning and teaching:

 The school also uses Times Table Rockstars to support the teaching of timetables. Children will use this in school as well as having a log on for use at home.  We also use websites like Nrich to add extra activities and challenges to the maths lessons. Please try the links below for games to play and further information. 

Times Table Rockstars

NRICH Website

       Maths learning Overviews

Foundation Stage

Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four

Year Five

Year Six

Back Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6UN