
At Palterton Primary School we operate a policy of Learning at Home. We also strongly encourage the practice of mental arithmetic skills and daily reading.
- Reading Records: All children throughout the school have Reading Record books to encourage daily shared reading. Please add comments about any reading time you share reading time.
- Each class has homework set that can be found in your child's homework book.The homework provided gives a wide variety of choices from the topic for the termas well as the spelling and maths learning for the term. We always encouarge being active whilst at home too.
- The school subscribes to Education City and Times Tables Rock Stars for additional supportive material to help with your child's homework and information. Education City is our online learning platform, your child should have a user name and a password in their homework book, if not, please ask their class teacher. The children will have appropriate work set in their 'Home Learning' section, this can be individualised to target your child's next steps.
- Each year in Summer we take part in the Reading Challenge through Derbyshire County Council. Your child is encouraged to complete a reading challenge and after receive a certificate.
- Active Home Learning: Learning can happen in lots of different ways and can be lots of different areas, we provide lots of suggestions for ways in which families could approach their learning in exciting and active ways.
- Each Term a whole school homework challenge is set that we share with the rest of the school by emailing it to us, tweeting it to our closed page or on our return after the holidays. Our most recent challenges have included 'Extreme Read' where the children had to find unusual and interesting places to read their books and 'Keep active' when the children had to share ways in which they were keeping active.