Palterton Primary School

Our School Governing Body

Our Governing Body is made up of 1 staff Governor, 3 parent Governors, 3 co-opted Governors and the Headteacher. 

Our Governing Body has three main functions:

  • Ensuring Clarity of Vision and Strategic Direction

  • Holding the Headteacher to Account

  • Overseeing the Financial Profile of the School

If you wish to contact the Governors you can contact the Chair at the school address:

Back Lane, Palterton, S44 6UN

Any correspondence will be passed to the Chair of Governors confidentially.

Business Interests

There are no business interests declared by any Governors at the present time.


Financial Interests

There are no financial interests declared by any Governors at the present time.



Date Nature of Meeting Apologies accepted Non-attendance
28/04/24 Extraordinary None
28/11/23 Full Governing Body EDy, DBr
03/10/23 Full Governing Body EDy, RCl, RSi
25/07/2023 Full Governing Body EDy, DBr, RCl
09/05/2023  Full Governing Body DBr, RCl
28/03/2023 Full Governing Body None
07/02/2023 Full Governing Body DBr
15/11/2022 Full Governing Body None
20/10/2022 Extraordinary  EDy, DBr, TLi


Meet the Governing Board


Mrs Claire Gotteri - Co-opted Governor.  Chair of Governors Term of Office until December 2028



I have been a Governor at Palterton school since 2016.  My children have left Palterton School for secondary school now.  I grew up in the village and have close links with the school and local community.  I joined the Governing Body as I wanted to help support the school to be the best it can be by providing an exciting, supportive and safe environment for all.

My current responsibility is for Curriculum and Standards, which I share with another Governor.   I am also responsible for Safeguarding. Previously I have had shared responsibility for Health & Safety and Community & Families.  In addition to the termly meetings I also regularly visit the school.  In the past this has been to review policies relating to my role at the time or to walk around the school to review premise related matters.  It’s great to be able to see day-to-day school life first hand.  One of my previous visits was to talk to the former year 6s before leaving for secondary school. It was fantastic to hear the positive experience they have had during their time at the school and their suggestions and ideas to benefit future years.  


I have worked in Local Government for nearly 20 years as a Chartered Surveyor and even though my background is not in education I find that I can use my own experience in the role.



        Mrs Leanne Dore - Co-opted Governor . Finance responsibility. Term of Office until October 2029. 

I am delighted to have been on the governing board at Palterton Primary School since November 2014. My son attended the school and I have always felt passionate about what a wonderful school      Palterton Primary is. I lived in the village for 15 years so have a good idea and understanding of the community in which the school is based. I am committed to supporting our fabulous school by making  regular visits, attending meetings and supporting the Head and staff through my role as a Governor. I am proud of what the school has achieved and strive to ensure that, along with my fellow governors, the school and its pupils reach its full potential.

     Mrs Joanne Hinkley - Co-opted Governor. 'Community & Families' responsibility.  Term of Office until September 2027.

I joined the Governing Body in September 2015, originally as a parent governor when my son was in Year 2.  He's now at Secondary School but I chose to continue in the role of co-opted governor.  I grew up in the village and my son was the 4th generation of our family to attend the school so it continues to hold a special place in my heart.  Despite my own career being in Human Resource Management, I've always had an interest in education in some form or another and have done some voluntary work along the way.  Having a child of my own and witnessing his development first hand further enhanced this interest. 
During my terms of office, I've been involved in a wide range of activities in order to support the school in striving to ensure that all children receive the best possible outcomes and I've also held the role of Vice Chair. Termly, we attend full governing body meetings where we discuss topics such as the school improvement plan, performance data, health & safety, safeguarding and finance issues.  I've also been involved in recruitment processes, headteacher performance management, Ofsted visits, reviewing the curriculum and standards in teaching and learning and undertaken a number of governor training courses.
Being a governor of the school takes a level of commitment, responsibility and enthusiasm, but it's also a very interesting, varied and rewarding opportunity in which you're able to 'give something back' along with a group of like-minded individuals.



Miss Rebecca Clarke - Parent elected Governor. 'Finance' responsibility. Term of Office until November 2025

I am delighted to be appointed to become a parent governor at Palterton Primary School starting in December 2021. I have two children, my daughter attends year 3 and my son in year 1.  My partner grew up in the village, with his family still living in the village. He also attended Palterton Primary School himself as a child. We live in the village and I’m originally from Bolsover. We have close ties in the local area and Palterton.  

Why I chose to be a parent governor, I always want the best experience to enable all our children to be set up for success in life.  For children to thrive, be safe and be happy. I’m keen to support our community for the future of our children. I hope to be a voice for others. 

My back ground is all elements of HR, Learning & Development. I have a real passion for supporting others, fairness and equality. I’m experienced working with large diverse people and organisations. I am currently a Senior Development Consultant working with multiple clients and sectors. With a simple focus of enabling them to be the best that they can be and better than they thought they could be. 

I’m really excited to get involved and get to grips with this role.
 Mr Chris Moorwood - Parent elected Governor. 'Health and Safety' responsibility. Term of office until September 2028
I have two daughters that attend Palterton Primary School. Although my background is not in education, I am passionate about helping our school and pupils achieve success, being involved in our school community, and offering support where possible. I am also the treasurer for FoPPS (Friends of Palterton Primary School) our schools PTA Charity, a role I've held for the last two years and one that I've thoroughly enjoyed.
Outside of School, I'm the managing director of our family's Electrical Contracting business. I'm looking forward to working more closely with the experienced governing body and the SLT in the coming years, and being involved in the strategic direction of the School.

Mrs Elizabeth Dyson - Staff Governor  

Term of Office until October 2025

Mrs Ros Horsley - Headteacher

Term of Office ongoing

 Vacancy - Clerk to Governors


Back Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6UN